Behavioral Health
Anthony Rubin, Behavioral Health Liaison
316-284-6582, ext. 1013
The liaison helps the child utilize those services in school and is the connection between parents, teachers and the therapist. They strive to give the child the best care and most productive school experience possible. The liaison serves as the bridge between the district and Prairie View to assist in the identification, coordination, and reporting of data to the state as a function of the grant received summer 2022.
The behavioral health liaison works with your child's treatment team to help coordinate services.
Below are different services that the child could receive if found to be medically necessary. The Behavioral Health Liaison can help you coordinate the services listed below with Prairie View.
-Targeted Case Management: Helping you access services and navigate the mental health system, targeted case managers also connect with other persons in the child's life, including his/her medical doctor, psychiatrist, court officers or school officials.
-Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment: Your child will be taught interventions related to his/her treatment goals. This service is goal-directed and intensive. These contacts may occur in your home, school or community settings.
-Attendant Care: This service provides one-on-one interventions to assist, cue and prompt a child to use skills in a variety of settings.
-Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Individualized or offered in a group setting, your child works with staff and/or other peers on personal goals involving social, coping and problem-solving.
If you feel your child is in need of mental health services, please contact your child's school social worker of the Behavioral Health Liaison. See list below graphic.