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First page of the PDF file: NewtonFineArtsBooster31

Get your toes tapping! Back by popular demand, our Fine Arts Booster Club Sock fundraiser will run from today until Oct. 25! Place your orders at: or see the attached flyer to place your orders! Please note, women's knit socks run big. Orders will be ready for pick up before Thanksgiving. Thank you for supporting our Fine arts programs grades 5-12!

First page of the PDF file: OctoberSecondSaturdayforUSDbackpack

Create with us on the Second Saturday of the month, October 12, 2024. Themed make and take creativity for ages 4-10. Free and open to the public. Donations always welcomed. Funded by the Ericka J. Stucky Scholarship Fund and various patrons. This month's activity will be Halloween paper lanterns. Instructor Nicole Shannon will lead the creativity.

First page of the PDF file: NMKSOFallClassicsposterfinal1

The Newton Mid-Kansas Symphony Orchestra opens the 68th Season with their Fall Classics Concert Sunday, October 20 at 4 p.m. in the Newton High School Auditorium. Music “From the New World” includes Dvoƙák’s Symphony No. 9 alongside “Estampas Mexicanas” by José Elizondo.
Tickets: Adults $17 online advance, $20 at the door; Students $7; twelve and under are free with a ticketed adult.

First page of the PDF file: WyldWednesdayFlyerrevised

On Early Release Wednesdays throughout the school year, all 5th and 6th graders are invited to Lindley Hall (Santa Fe gym) for games, activities and snacks from 1:15-3:15pm. It is free to attend but registration is required due to some faith-based information presented. Registration forms can be found at the Santa Fe office. Wyld Wednesdays are provided by Newton Young Life and local church volunteers.

First page of the PDF file: SurveyFlyer-5x11

We are in need of your help! By filling out the survey you can have a voice in the direction for Newton's Downtown/Main Street District. If you complete the survey and provide your email address you will be entered to win one of four $50 downtown gift cards.

Kansas Main Street and Main Street America will be coming this October to help us set transformational strategies for the coming year. The results of the survey will help inform planning for future development and improvements! We appreciate your support of Downtown Newton and helping us to plan for the future to continue to strengthen our downtown as the heart of our city.

The survey is open to everyone in our community and we hope that you will help us spread the word so we can get as much feedback as possible. The more feedback we have, the better we will be able to set strategies that will grow our downtown to be what is best and needed for our community.

First page of the PDF file: AdultandMe

Form a team of two to build an Art Robot! One grade 1-6 student One older adult/grandparent Register your team by calling 316-283-2222

October 26, 2024 - 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Newton Area Senior Center (122 E. 6th)

First page of the PDF file: fallstorytimes

Fall StoryTimes begin on September 9 at the Newton Public Library! No registration required.

First page of the PDF file: NewtonYMCAYouthProgramsEnglish

youth program flyer on gymnastics, martial arts, basketball, swim lessons, parents night out, moms day out, and birthday offerings.

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Mystery Festival fosters investigative skills

Students used a variety of testing methods of the simulation's evidence, including chromatography, fingerprint analysis, testing the pH of liquids, burning threads to identify the type of thread (cotton or wool), looking at a DNA report, analyzing handwriting samples, and using iodine to identify a powder found at the crime scene.