Through an exciting new partnership with Simply Hygiene, you will be able to get needed hygiene items directly from your child’s school!
Simply Hygiene, a non-profit based out of Park City, KS was founded on the premise that no one should go without the basic items needed to be clean.
How does this work?
If your family is in need of items, including body soap, shampoo conditioner, tampons, deodorant, toilet paper, laundry detergent and more - please make contact with your building nurse or social worker/counselor.
Staff at your student’s school will be able to get your family the items needed out of the order in a discreet manner. No stipulations or criteria are needed to qualify for these items. Just take what you need at the time! Items will come in a shipment to the school once a month during the school year. Please just keep listed staff informed of your family’s needs.
Items in the order can include: body soap, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, laundry detergent, lotion, maxi/mini pads, tampons, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, wipes.
Because the program is new, we are still discovering the monthly demands of products needed. Please make your request as mentioned, but understand we may not have full stocks of every product, every time. We are learning as we go!
Thank you for your partnership in ensuring your child has what they need to be their best self at school.